Now on

Instead of a stuffy discord thread collecting dust, I'll be posting updates on my little game here. How exciting! Well, maybe not that exciting. Anyways, this marks the first post and iteration of DW game to see any public facing anything. DW game is a project I'm working on for fun and for my friends who I somehow trick into regularly playing ttrpg campaigns with me. I hope you enjoy all the work I put into it, whomever might be playing it!

I accidentally corrupted my entire project as I was getting ready to make a backup, and my only other backup was from the beginning of chapter 2's development, so I would have lost a ton of progress, but I thankfully managed to get the game back together by splicing the files with the ones that weren't corrupted somehow. Things will be particularly janky until I work out all the weird spots where things didn't quite make it over.

To my friends and whomever else might see these posts, thank you and please look forward to future updates.

-Development Cat Yumi

Get DW Game


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NNnnnnNNeeerrrrrd <3